Jonathan Fine, the current Chairman of UK-TUG, has reminded members that thought will need to be given soon to replacing some members of the Committee:
I’ve served as Chair of UK-TUG for 4 years and David Saunders a little longer as Treasurer. At AGM this autumn these posts become vacant, and David and I won’t be standing for re-election (although we will be standing to stay on the Committee).
The AGM usually falls in November, so there is some time for people to start planning. Jonathan goes on to say
Please consider stepping forward to serve the TeX community in the UK. Treasurer is an important post. The accounts are now in good order, thanks to David’s work, and he’s willing to mentor his replacement as Treasurer. We’re also looking for a Chair to help provide leadership.
New members can be co-opted onto the Committee, so anyone interested can volunteer to join the Committee now and see what is involved.
It’s obviously important that UK-TUG continues to have a full complement of officers on the Committee (and indeed this is required by our Constitution). So for any more detail please drop the Committee an e-mail.