UK-TUG maintains a membership directory, containing names and e-mail addresses of members who are happy for these details to be shared. Members of UK-TUG who have asked to receive the list should find it in their e-mail inboxes today. If you were expecting to receive the directory but did not, please contact
Service outage
Our website hosting company are moving all of their servers to Manchester from London tomorrow evening (Thursday February 26th). We are told that everything will be off-line for around seven hours.
Baskerville: Editor appointed
After some years in hibernation, the Committee have recently decided to revive the UK-TUG journal Baskerville. As a first step, we are very pleased to announce that Jonathan Webley has been elected by the committee as Editor of Baskerville. Planning is still at an early stage, but we would welcome ideas (or indeed articles) for publication. The e-mail address for the editor
Change of webmaster
Joseph Wright has agreed to take over formal webmaster duties for the UK-TUG website. The previous webmaster, David Crossland, contiues in his important role as Secretary of UK-TUG. The Committee thank David for his efforts with the website in the past, and look forward to contiued success with a new person in the hotseat! Of course, the site will not change: all of the Committee are committed to communicating with…
Jonathan Fine elected to TUG board
Jonathan Fine, current Chair of UK-TUG, has been elected to the board of TUG.
LaTeX Training: University of Manchester
The University of Manchester course for beginners with TeX and LaTeX is schedules to take place on the 7th of May 2009. The course booking form indicates that the course is availble to outsiders, for a fee of £275.
BachoTeX 2009: Call for Papers
The first call for papers for BachoTeX 2009 arrived in the UK-TUG Committee inbox this week. BachoTeX 2009 — Call for Papers Dear TeXies, TeX friends and lovers of fine typography — This is an invitation to BachoTeX 2009, the XVIIth Polish TeX Users Group Conference. As usual, it will be held at the traditional TeXies’ and GUST meeting place, Bachotek near Brodnica, in the north-east of Poland, from April…
Chairmen past and present in the interview corner
Jonathan Fine, current UK-TUG Chairman, was recently interviewed for the TUG Interview Corner. Jonathn joins former chairmen of UK-TUG Robin Fairburns and Philip Taylor as subjects of the interview series.
Interview with Donald Knuth
Our old site used to have the audio of an interview with Donald Knuth hosted on the site. The piece is available from the NPR website directly here.
Compliment slip template
The templates page now includes a simple compliment slip design. Thanks very much to Dr Dick Nickalls for the original design from which this template has been created.