The annual UK-TUG Speaker Meeting and AGM will take place on Saturday, 9th November at Trinity College, Oxford, OX1 3BH. The speaker meeting will begin at around 10 am and normally runs to between 4 pm and 5 pm, depending on the number of talks presented and time required to deal with the formal AGM business. Attendance at the speaker day is free for UK-TUG members, and a light lunch will be provided.
We hope to have an exciting day of talks: the day is flexible, with only the slot for the AGM (2 pm) fixed. Members are encouraged to submit talk titles and approximate lengths for addition to the programme. For members who are unable to attend, the committee will be recording the talks again, as happened last year, and uploading them to the UK-TUG Vimeo account.
Some of the day is often devoted to discussion. A suggestion for this year is a workshop-like session on (relatively) recent developments in the TeX world such as XeTeX and LuaTeX, and perhaps also in the LaTeX world (packages such as biblatex
). Depending on member feedback, this or indeed some other discussion element may be included in the programme.